Who are we?

Lake View camp is a non-profit camping ministry based in Pella, IA. We have been holding summer camps since 2002. We offer a variety of camps for all ages, work trips to Texas, Kansas City, and New Orleans, and camps specifically for kids who have a parent in prison. We currently lease facilities in Eldora, Pella, and Des Moines with our own camp currently in the works near Pella. Our mission is to provide a broken world with environments where lives encounter God's love and are being transformed by the hope that Christ gives. Our vision is to develop a Christian ministry where all people are welcomed and loved and thus feel the presence of God.

Click to read our latest fall newsletter!

Core Values:

  • Proclaiming Jesus Christ and His love to all whom we encounter.

  • Helping people grow in their relationships spiritually, personally, and socially.

  • Sharing God's transforming love.

  • Providing opportunities for all regardless of social, economic, or faith background.

  • Uniting volunteers, staff and donors to use their God-given gifts

  • Always seeking opportunities to learn and better serve Him and His people.

  • Glorifying God in all we do.

Philosophy of Ministry: How we will do our ministry?

Being a light to a dark world with staff who are passionate about their relationship with Jesus Christ and have a calling to share the message with others. (2 Corinthians 4:5-6)

Reaching out to all persons regardless of life circumstances and treating all as individuals with unique needs. (Corinthians 5:16-20)

Being a God-centered ministry that uses everday experiences to explore spiritual truths and celebrate life, showing the importance of living for God in our daily lives. (Colossians 3:17)

Teaching people to have compassion for those who are less fortunate than themselves and building up leaders who will impact the world for Christ. (Romans 10:14-15)

Providing environments that challenge people to go deeper in their relationships with Christ and with others and creating experiences that unite faith and fun. (Ephesians 3:16-19)

Partnering with ministries and organizations to share services, resources, and volunteer power to further the Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

Rejoicing when lives are changed and not basing success solely on numbers, recognizing that we may sow the seeds but God reaps the harvest. (Luke 15:10)